Saturday, December 18, 2010

Argument or Encounter

While many people out there have outstanding argumentative abilities, especially in matters relating to one's heart conviction, it's the encounter with the phenomenon that sets the record for those who only feel they can follow a particular aspect only after having convinced their minds. Matters of believing for example, as the term dictates are best pursued in faith, which is the language most received by God - 'For without faith it is impossible to please God'

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Righteousness of God

God is righteous and so are we. It was this kind of assertion that made religious leaders of the day decide to crucify Christ. He, as far as they were concerned, was considering equality with God which thing was blasphemy at its worst. But God does consider us righteous when he looks at us in the body of His Son. It is not because of our own effort or works that we are made righteous, but the complete work of the cross that Christ continues to do in the hearts and lives of all who have invited him to dwell within. He makes us whole and the wholeness we become is the work he continues to do so long as we allow him. We are therefore the righteousness of God in all respects - in Christ, so to speak.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Truth and Reality

It's quite a complex thing to strike a balance between what we regard as true with what's actually happening. We at times easily sway towards what's happening with total disregard for what's true. Truth transcends reality and often speaks of things that are yet to be seen. It's the matured and experienced ones who, drawing from years of exposure, discern the truth. But still, complications persist.