Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Of Love and Life

We live in a complex world infused with a myriad of ideas and ideologies. We live the life that we think is best but only in our personal perspectives. When our bodies can still detect the heating of the sun rays and the speed of our blood flow in our blood vessels, we exclaim: I've never been this alive! But when the same blood oozes non-stop out of any crevice, opening, or space of our sorry bodies, we reverse the exclamation: I'm going to die! So much are we scared of exiting this temporary dwelling that we put whatever stop that would ensure no atom of our blood gushes out of our system. No wonder others have even instituted that you cannot give this precious liquid to anyone else, perhaps reading the other way the Biblical forbearance of ingesting blood, even that of animals. So, we pin the meaning of life to the blood flow and its sacredness, which profanity is tantamount to death. But life must mean much more than the flow of blood in our bodies. The expression of life in its fullest has been equated to the transference of blood from one to the other. Doesn't the Bible teach us that there's no greater love than that a person lays down his life for his friends? This essentially mean that the letting out of blood on account of the next person who must live in your instead is love and life fused. Therefore, when we say we love but at the same time refuse to let go our blood on account of the targets of our love, then we're yet to learn the real meaning of life and love. But love is such a complicated phenomenon that it escapes many definitions and can only be reduced to a mere experience. Sometimes the embers burn slowly in your heart and no matter how philosophical you try to out-explain it, it seizes you awake and asleep. You confess out loud that I'm strong, I can overcome this, I can ignore and let the wheels of time sweep it away - and at times you may think you have indeed overcome, but the thing refuses to let go your heart. It gets even more confusing when the phenomenon seems to choose a dwelling place somewhere in your most sacred area. You feel the only way of expressing what it is to the target of this creature is by stripping every veil and yield to the natural fusion of body and being. All these feelings come and you can only explain them in the experience of love. Now that's where the trick is. The kind that makes you want to give and give and give even the most sacred part of your being is the natural cry of love but it must find its meaning in giving life. When after you have given all you could and have death either of yourself, the next person or the unintended passer-by, then something else must have masqueraded as love. So, real life is in love. When you are overwhelmed by the fires of love, make certain you find a life expression of that love. There is no incredible feeling and experience than that of loving; but it may be surpassed by that of being loved. Some fight within themselves: how can I stop loving, how can I be released from the clutches of so powerful the hands of love? But the biggest question is how do you unlove? How do you extinguish those fires that burn within your heart? Die! Yes, only death robs love of its expression. When I kill my neighbour, I can never say I did it out of love. Love gives life; it gives multitudinous chances; it believes right up to the door of the grave; it even seeks to break open the doors of the grave and give another life. So, when I say I LOVE YOU, I simply mean LIVE.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is very interesting and profound! Our world has diminished the true meaning of love into mere actions of receiving and taking. Thank you Xolani for sharing these deep thoughts with us. God bless.
